Saturday 15 April 2023

4 years have passed...

...and still my systems are a mess :-).

The main system is now powered by the Gainclone, a solid performer, perfectly suited for the JBLs.
A preamp is really not needed, being the GC an integrated amp.
I've added another tonearm to my collection: a diy linear tracking on air cushion.
I wanted a LT because I've always find the "inner track distortion" too annoying, little did I know that the setup of a LT was a real Pain I* T** A**.
Anyway, after too Mich fiddling and a broken wire, I succeeded and I was grated by a great overall sound with a bit less distortion in the inner tracks.
For the money, a DIY LT tonearm is a keeper, but you have to hide the airpump because it's really noisy!

PS: can you see the tiny cables from the armwand to the RCAs? One of them broke and, believe me, nothing is more difficult to resolder...