Tuesday 19 December 2017

The speakers

So, where to start?
Well, from my newest passion: hifi.
And where to start describing my newest passion? From my last setup, of course...

After moving to Milan I had to downsize my hifi a bit, so I start investigating fullrange world.
After weeks of readings on "fullrangedrivers.com" (now hacked to die and no more online), I decided to try 4" fullrange, and to use one of the most simple project, the Zigmahornet.

You can find the plans here:

I buld mine this way (not exactly mine, but a second pair):
Pretty simple, isn't it?

But after some time with Fostex I've had enough...I needed more bass, so I bought these little wonders:

You can find a lot of information about them on the net: in the thread above I found the scheme of a good notch filter that helps taming the high frequencies.

Aren't they a beauty?

Now some listening impressions: sparkling high, good midrange (but Fostex are better) astonishing bass (down to 60hz without problem, below 60 starts the rolloff).

Due to low bass response, intermodulation distortion is evident, especially at low volume.

You can't expect super high volume from these speakers (89db w/m and 15W pmax), but they are really good, and they disappears like no others.